Chemical Physics

Bachelor's degree

In Michigan Center (USA)

higher than £ 9000


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location

    Michigan center (USA)

  • Start date

    Different dates available

The major in Chemical Physics provides a strong foundation in chemistry, physics and mathematics for those students who have a professional interest in the areas of overlap between chemistry and physics. It is particularly suitable for students planning to pursue a graduate degree in the area of chemical physics or physical chemistry.



Start date

Michigan Center (USA)
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  • GCSE Physics

Course programme

The following courses outside the Department of Chemistry (47 to 56 credits):
One of the following courses (3 to 5 credits):
Cell and Molecular Biology
Organismal and Population Biology
Honors Cell and Molecular Biology
Honors Organismal and Population Biology
Pests, Society and Environment
Biology I: Organismal Biology
Biology II: Cellular and Molecular Biology
Fundamentals to Microbiology
Introductory Physiology
Introductory Human Genetics
One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits):
One of the following courses (4 credits):
One of the following courses (4 credits):
Multivariable Calculus
Honors Multivariable Calculus
One of the following courses (3 credits):
Differntial Equations
Honors Differential Equations
Ordinary Differnetial Equations I
Honors Ordinary Differntial Equations
One of the following sets of courses (4 to 7 credits):
Matrix Algebra with Applications
Honors Linear Algebra
One of the following courses (3 credits):
Abstract Algebra I and Number Theory
Applied Linear Algebra
Honors Complex Analysis
Ordinary Differential Equations II
Partial Differential Equations
Boundary Value Problems for Engineers
One of the following groups of courses (8 or 10 credits):
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
Physics Laboratory for Scientists I
Physics Laboratory for Scientists II
Physics Laboratory for Scientists I
Physics Laboratory for Scientists II
Honors Physics I - Mechanics
Honors Physics II - Electromagnetism
All of the following courses (12 credits):
Thermodynamics and Modern Physics
Classical Mechanics I
Electricity and Magnetism I
One of the following courses (3 or 4 credits):
Thermal and Statistical Physics
Methods of Theoretical Physics
Classical Mechanics II
Computational Physics
Electricity and Magnetism II
Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics
The following courses in the Department of Chemistry (28 to 30 credits):
One of the following pairs of courses (7 or 8 credits):
General and Descriptive Chemistry
Principles of Chemistry
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
One of the following groups of courses (5 credits):
Chemistry Laboratory I
Chemistry Laboratory II
Quantitative Analysis
Honors Chemistry Laboratory I
Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
Principles of Chemistry II - Reactivity Laboratory
One of the following pairs of courses (6 credits):
One of the following courses (2 or 3 credits):
Instrumental Methods and Applications
Analytical/Physical Laboratory
Molecular Spectroscopy
Both of the following courses (6 credits):
Molecular Thermodynamics
The following capstone course (2 credits):
Chemical Physics Seminar
The completion of Chemistry 499 fulfills the department's capstone requirement. Two enrollments in Chemistry 499 are required, 1 credit per enrollment.

Chemical Physics

higher than £ 9000