Crossing the finishing line



£ 399 + VAT


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  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

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Course programme

The aim

To learn to set and achieve all your goals.

About the programme

The story of Lance Armstrong's recovery from cancer and subsequent multiple victories in the Tour de France is known worldwide. Now, you can use Lance's story to motivate and inspire your employees to face challenges, overcome obstacles and achieve new heights of success.
Lance Armstrong and his team understand the importance of setting and achieving goals - it's by doing this that Lance has enjoyed so much success. This programme is designed to help energise and motivate your employees so that they too can set and achieve new goals.

Amongst the many messages it will teach staff to be prepared, pay attention to detail, stay calm, celebrate success, have fun, give it their all and be motivated by seeing themselves constantly improve.

The key outcomes
-Motivate your staff and help them achieve more
-Have a positive attitude to setting and achieving goals and believe anything is possible

Programme includes:
DVD (3 mins)

Produced by Enterprise media.

Crossing the finishing line

£ 399 + VAT