Developing a Successful Mindset



£ 115.56 VAT inc.

*Indicative price

Original amount in USD:

$ 145


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  • Duration

    1 Day

No one expects you to walk around with rose colored glasses, but negative nellies are no joy to spend time with either. This course encourages you to walk your talk, and if your talk is positive, upbeat, inspiring and confident you can be sure your life will reflect that successful mindset back on those you work and play with.
You have been speaking since you were two years old and you are probably still using a lot of the vocabulary you first learned when growing up. It is time to up your game and use the English language the way it is intended, in a positive, upbeat, empowering manner to attract success and opportunities to your life.

About this course

Identify what lifts you up and what drags you down in your life
Learn positive, assertive phrases
Replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs
Learn high energy words that make a positive impact on how you write and speak -remove low energy words from your vocabulary

Everyone can Benefit if they Choose to Apply the Learnings

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  • English Language
  • Coaching
  • English
  • Communication Training
  • Play
  • Successful Mindset
  • Career tips
  • Career planning
  • Career Development
  • Career Development Program

Teachers and trainers (1)

Colleen  Clarke

Colleen Clarke

Corporate Trainer, Networking Maven at Colleen Clarke & Associates

Course programme

No one expects you to walk around with rose colored glasses, but negative nellies are no joy to spend time with either. This course encourages you to walk your talk, and if your talk is positive, upbeat, inspiring and confident you can be sure your life will reflect that successful mindset back on those you work and play with.

You have been speaking since you were two years old and you are probably still using a lot of the vocabulary you first learned when growing up. It is time to up your game and use the English language the way it is intended, in a positive, upbeat, empowering manner to attract success and opportunities to your life.

We will examine positive phrases and verbiage that will leave listeners with a pleasant, agreeable and empathetic feeling towards you. Rather than telling people what you don't want from them you will learn how to give directives about what you want from others. Replace don't do this with remember to do this.

Low energy words drag you down and leave your listener with feelings of ennui and that you don't care or aren't really engaged in the topic at hand. Instead of saying "I am sad" or "this is hard", practice using high energy replacement words such as "I am unhappy" and "This is not easy."

Limiting statements can sound like you are complaining. 'I can't do this" can easily be replaced with "I am going to give it my best shot." The latter displays hope, confidence, resilience and tenacity whereas the former statement makes you sound like you have given up and maybe are a failure. Certainly, it does not reflect someone who is ambitious and a go getter.

Developing a successful mindset, or a positive mindset starts first and foremost with a positive attitude and positive verbiage and intonation, and the universe takes its from there onward and upward in your career, relationships and goals in life!

Why should you Attend: You have been rattling around in your own head for decades. You are successful, but could be happier if only and when. Well,is finally here! This session takes positive communication to the next level. You can get started thinking, feeling and being more positive, more motivated and more productive when you start talking and thinking with confidence and hope in your language and behavior.

You will learn positive communication phrases, replace limiting beliefs with empowering statements and exchange low energy words with high energy words. Implementing this positivism into your life will attract people and opportunities to you that will make you happier, more self-fulfilled, respected and promotable.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Identify what lifts you up and what drags you down in your life
  • Learn positive, assertive phrases
  • Replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs
  • Learn high energy words that make a positive impact on how you write and speak -remove low energy words from your vocabulary

Who Will Benefit:
  • Everyone can Benefit if they Choose to Apply the Learnings
Instructor: Colleen Clarke is a highly recognized career specialist, corporate trainer, and workplace coach in the areas of career management and transition, communication and networking. For the past 20+ years she has inspired, through her training and counseling, thousands of people in groups and individually to maximize their career and workplace potential. Colleen graduated from the first class of coaching students from the Adler Institute as a certified Workplace Coach in 1999.

In 1990 Colleen founded a not for profit organization for unemployed business professionals called E.A.R.N., the Executive Advancement Resource Network. Over the 10 years she administered and facilitated Canada’s most recognized support group, over 7000 job seekers benefited from the weekly motivational and educational meetings and workshops.

Colleen is a qualified MBTI Step 1 & 2, Personality Dimensions, True Colors and EQ-i2.0 facilitator. She is the author of Networking How to Build Relationships That Count and How to Get a Job and Keep It. Whether speaking or writing, Colleen insightfully and humorously shares with her audience the practical insights and “hands-on” approaches and techniques she has developed as a motivational leader.

Often quoted in magazine, news articles and columns, Colleen has a plethora of radio and television interviews to her credit as well. She contributes monthly to Canada’s national newspaper The Globe and Mail’s Nine to Five workplace column. She wrote weekly for internet job sites, and commuter newspapers 24 Hours and Metro Toronto. Colleen was a career advisor on Oprah’s OWNetwork program “Million Dollar Neighborhood.”

Whether coaching, counseling or training, Colleen exudes the passion and knowledge she has for her subject matter with humor and inspiration. Off hours you will find Colleen on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Career Management and the National Communication Coaching Association, a committee member for The Toronto Police Services Division 55 Community Police Liaison Committee and an active member of the Toronto Beaches Lion’s club.

Colleen is a graduate of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta in Recreation Administration and has lived in Toronto, Ontario for 37 years.

Developing a Successful Mindset

£ 115.56 VAT inc.

*Indicative price

Original amount in USD:

$ 145