Effective counselling skills for speech and language therapists


In London

£ 369 VAT inc.


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The course is based on Carl Rogers' person centered approach to counselling and will help you to develop your counselling skills for use within the speech and language therapy context.



Start date

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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

Start date

Different dates availableEnrolment now open

About this course

1. distinguish counselling skills from counselling
2. identify the core conditions
3. demonstrate unconditional positive regard, congruence and empathy
4. use paraphrasing, reflecting and questioning effectively.
5. practise a range of counselling skills and be more confident about using these within your work.
6. explain why self-awareness is important for therapists and how self-awareness can be developed
7. identify confronting skills
8. identify the stages of grief and bereavement and relate these to your client group.

There are no additional costs although you might choose to purchase books from the suggested reading list.

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Course programme

The following topics will be covered:
- Developing the therapeutic relationship
- Boundaries
- Hearing the story
- Ways of responding including paraphrasing, reflecting and questioning
- Confronting
- Intimacy and self disclosure
- Loss
- Practice counselling skills session.

There will be a large experiential component to the course as well as some theoretical input and practical sessions.

Additional information

You may choose to go on to do further counselling training either at the City Lit or elsewhere. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Effective counselling skills for speech and language therapists

£ 369 VAT inc.