Galaxies: once called 'island universes'


In London

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How “Island Universes” became “galaxies” of three major types: spiral, elliptical, irregular. We shall examine each type, comparing the sorts of stars etc. each contains. Find out why some galaxies are still forming stars and others shoot great jets into space. Explain the links between Quasars and merely active galaxies. We’ll look at typical sizes of galaxies and how they group into clusters across the universe.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

Distinguish spiral, elliptical and irregular galaxiesExplain the different contents of each.Describe how supermassive black holes seem essential to galaxy formationHave a list of possible observing targets.

Bring a notepad and paper. There will be no additional costs for the course.

The main method will be illustrated presentations (galaxies often make wonderful pictures).There will be class exercises and discussions.

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Course programme

Brief history of “galaxies” as an idea
Classifying galaxies into types by appearance
Refining types by examining contents: stars, gas and dust clouds, black holes and nebulae
Show how sizes of galaxies were determined and how enormously they vary
Look into the depths of Active Galactic Nuclei, Quasars and Blazars
Examine the evidence of collisions between galaxies
Galaxies in groups, clusters and superclusters
Observing galaxies.

Additional information

You might also be interested in our numerous courses on astronomy and cosmology; or physics and the history of science.
HS001 Astronomy at UCL Observatory, Mill Hill
HS125 Guest lecture: astronomy Professor Raman Prinja
HS005 Astronomy: a gentle introduction
HS121 Further cosmology
HS003 Exploring the quantum world.

General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00.
See the course guide for term dates and further details

Galaxies: once called 'island universes'

£ 119 VAT inc.