Hell's kitchen

Short course


Price on request


  • Type

    Short course

  • Methodology


  • Duration

    1 Day

You have until late afternoon to prepare a 4 course meal using a small budget and a range of mandatory ingredients. You have no access to recipes, so will have to invent the dishes using your own creativity. You will also create a recipe sheet for compiling into a recipe book. A professional chef is available for consultation and to ensure standards are maintained. He will also judge.

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Course programme

You have until late afternoon to prepare a 4 course meal using a small budget and a range of mandatory ingredients. You have no access to recipes, so will have to invent the dishes using your own creativity. You will also create a recipe sheet for compiling into a recipe book. A professional chef is available for consultation and to ensure standards are maintained. He will also judge the results, which you will then eat!
By the end of this event, you will:
  • Appreciate different styles of team working and the relative strengths of each approach
  • Gain a greater understanding of your preferred style of working and the impact you have on other team members
  • Develop ideas and plans for helping the team to achieve its full potential
  • Be able to analyse how your communication styles are helping or hindering your ability to work as a team
  • Know how you manage conflict and change under pressure
  • create personal learning plans for improving yourself and your team
Preparing and sharing a meal together is a great way to build a team. We use the idea to test teamwork in a professional kitchen with a professional scrutiniser! Creativity, attention to detail and excellent co-ordination are all key ingredients in a winning meal. What is nice though is that even if the chef doesn''t approve, you can still enjoy eating together.
Want this event tailored to meet your exact needs?
Contact us for a bespoke detailed course outline, or to arrange a no obligation meeting

Hell's kitchen

Price on request