Introduction to Leadership and Management for CMT Doctors



£ 199 + VAT


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Understand key leadership and management concepts. Understand the NHS Medical Leadership Competency Framework. Understand the difference between leadership and management. Understand the difference between following and leading. Be able to explain Action Centered Leadership and the three elements of. effective leadership. Be able to explain the Adaptive Medical Leadership model, and how to. apply its different styles towards different individuals. Understand the skills of team leading and the characteristics of a good. team leader.

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Course programme

Introduction to Leadership and Management for CMT Doctors

Developmedica aims to improve leadership and management performance through our flexible range of learning and development solutions. Our eLearning course which aims to develop a comprehensive range of leadership and management skills for CMT Doctors. Fully interactive, with a spoken soundtrack throughout, our interactive online course enables you to study anywhere, at your own pace and in a way that fits in with the busiest of lives.

At the end of the course there is an interactive test and following successful completion you will be awarded a certificate for your portfolio.

Introduction to Leadership and Management for CMT Doctors

£ 199 + VAT