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In Leuven ()

Price on request


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The programme aims to train physicists capable of working in research institutes or corporate environments. Upon successful completion of the programme, students will have acquired:
thorough knowledge of physics in general as well as more in-depth knowledge of at least one specialized area;
the ability to make sound judgments informed by current research;
the ability to gain new insights and results and to develop new methods;
the ability to solve physical problems using the most appropriate experimental and/or theoretical methods and to report on research findings;
the ability to structure and analyse specific problems in different situations;
strong teamwork skills;
the ability to communicate findings and insights;
a critical understanding of the role that physics plays in society.
This is an initial Master's programme and can be followed on a full-time or part-time basis.

About this course

The ideal prospective student possesses the following skills and knowledge set:

a Bachelor's degree in Physics (or in natural sciences or mathematics, with a strong physics component);
well-developed insight in the general methodology of physics, and the ability to situate this methodology and its results;
the ability to tackle the study of a limited scientific topic and report about it (orally and in writing);
a thorough knowledge of traditional and modern physics at the bachelors level (classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, electrodynamics);
the ability to build upon logical and deductive reasoning skills and mathematical techniques (including statistics, computer programming) to understand and apply physical principles in new situations;
the ability to use basic physics tools to carry out experiments and analyse, interpret and report on the results;
experience with the deeper levels of some subfield(s) of physics at an advanced level (statistical mechanics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics);
an awareness of at least one related science subfield and the ability to connect this subfield with physics, be it from a fundamental or an applied viewpoint (e.g. astrophysics, mathematics, chemistry ...).

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at KU Leuven generates substantial research funding. Consequently, many research positions are available, and more than half the students obtaining a master’s degree in physics eventually start a PhD programme in one of the department’s research groups.

A number of graduates prefer to pursue a second master’s degree, with medical radiation physics, environmental sciences, and statistics as the most popular subjects. There are also excellent career opportunities in industry (ICT, material research, electronics), consulting, government, banking (statistics), and higher education. Unemployment is nonexistent among newly graduated physicists.

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  • Entrepreneurship
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Electrodynamics
  • GCSE Physics
  • Methodology
  • Communicate
  • Critical scientists
  • Physics ortheoretical
  • Belgian
  • Ortheoretical

Course programme

The master students will grow into independent and critical scientists. Masters of physics will have developed sufficient knowledge and skills to participate in competitive national or international PhD programmes. Moreover the acquired research methodology will prepare the student for employment as a scientist in any chosen profession.

The curriculum is constructed in a way that the student can specialize in an area of choice by joining one of the research groups of the department. This specialization can be in the field of nuclear physics, condensed matter physics ortheoretical physics. A major part of the curriculum consists of research resulting in a master thesis. The subject of the thesis is chosen by the student during the course of the second semester of the 1st Master year and students join a research team from the 3th semester onwards.

The students can choose an option to prepare themselves better for a future in research or in industry or society related fields.

In the option "research" the student can take courses from another research specialization than its major one, which can be accompanied by an internship in one of the research teams of this minor discipline. As such our students have the possibility to broaden their knowledge in at least two scientific disciplines (in physics or a related field), which is invaluable when a further research career in or out of academia is considered.

In the option "Physics for society" students can choose for an internship of a full semester in a company or they can take courses from the LCIE Entrepreneurship Academy who wants to prepare academics for entrepreneurschip.

The Erasmus programme of the European Union offers an excellent opportunity for Belgian students who would like to combine their study with experience outside the KU Leuven. All research groups of the department have a network of European collaborators and we advise interested students to integrate this exchange with their thesis research during their second Master year. Choices concerning the Erasmus programme need to be made in December of the 1st Master year. Address the Erasmus coordinator to obtain specific information on this European programme !

At the end of the Master programme the student:

* has a broad knowledge of modern physics;
* has specialized in one of the following important areas of physics: solid-state physics, nuclear physics, theoretical physics or physics of soft matter;
* is familiar with the most recent developments in the research area of the chosen specialization of the master thesis;
* is able to carry out research in a professional and multidisciplinary research team under the supervision of experts;
* is able to independently solve advanced physics problems by choosing the appropriate experimental
and/or theoretical method, develop the method and report on it in a correct way;
* has developed the literature research skills to be able to process and present insights and results from international scientific research to both specialists and peers;
* is able to reflect critically, communicate and discuss the social role and the ethical dimension of scientific research in general and physics research in particular;
* has mastered scientific English to such a level that he/she can deliver written and oral reports;
* is able to use the scientific methodology in his/her own learning process while acquiring new concepts inside as well as outside physics. This is a vital skill for lifelong learning.
* has insight into the role of physics research in the society of the twenty-first century
* is able to place a contemporary discussion on physics research into a historical framework and formulate his/her own opinion.

Master of Physics (Leuven)

Price on request