Strategic Management - Implementing and Evaluating Strategy Course





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The free online course Strategic Management - Implementing Strategy introduces you to the activities and choices required for effective implementation and evaluation of a strategic plan. The course begins by introducing you to the concept of implementing strategy and describes who will carry out the strategic plan and what should be done to align the company’s operations in a new direction. You will then learn about business functions and the factors differentiating Stage I, II and III companies. You will learn about different types of synergy such as production synergy, marketing synergy, financial synergy and organisational synergy. You will learn about mergers and acquisitions and the advantages and disadvantages of each in terms of organisational strategy. You will also learn about diversification and tools that can be used in this area such as SWOT analysis, GAP analysis, and Competition and Risk analysis. This free course will be of great interest to business managers and professionals who are working in the area of strategic management and would like to learn more about practices and procedures of implementing and evaluating strategy.



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  • IT Management
  • IT
  • Strategic Management
  • Management

Course programme

Module Title Module 1: Introduction to Implementing Strategy Module 2: Diversification and Synergy Module 3: Evaluation of Strategy Module 4: Strategic Management - Implementing and Evaluating Strategy Assessment

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ALISON’s Diploma Courses category includes diploma-level courses in a variety of professional subjects, such as project management, business management and entrepreneurship, HR, web design, psychology, customer service, programming, social media marketing, children’s studies, nursing and patient care, social work, IT management, statistics, mental health, Six Sigma, teaching skills for educators, carpentry, supply chain management, international tourism, and PE. These diploma-level courses will give the learner a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Upon successful graduation, the student will have gained valuable skills and training that will greatly enhance employability and career prospects. The category also includes an innovative work-force re-entry skills advanced diploma that will be of interest to anyone re-entering the workforce after an extended absence.

Strategic Management - Implementing and Evaluating Strategy Course
