Time Management

Short course


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£ 149 + VAT


  • Type

    Short course

  • Duration

    1 Day

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Course programme

Aimed at managers, HoDs, back-office support or anyone that finds it hard to squeeze all their tasks into the working day, this one-day course is structured so that each participant can reflect on what they do currently then take tips and techniques and commit to applying them. We recognise that small changes can often make a big difference in the area of time management and this interactive, yet reflective, day covers both ‘meaty’ issues such as prioritisation and delegation as well as the ‘small stuff’ that can be the key to unlocking the frustration of being short of time.

By the end of day participants will be able to:

  • Focus on their work priorities and set appropriate goals
  • Describe ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ and where to concentrate their efforts
  • Prioritise their workload
  • Choose from an extensive selection of ideas to improve their everyday workload, including time-saving tips for email, telephone calls, procrastination and interruptions
  • Delegate low-importance, low-priority tasks to an appropriate team member, colleague or manager
  • Practice assertiveness at work to achieve greater control over their task management

Time Management

£ 149 + VAT