
In Kirkby Lonsdale and Natland

Price on request


  • Duration

    12 Days

The aim of the course is to help you to learn different aspects of Yoga and how to practice these safely. This will ensure that your practice benefits and reflects your own individual needs, level of fitness and experience.



Start date

Kirkby Lonsdale (Cumbria)
See map
Hall, Methodist Church Hall, Queen Square, LA6 2AZ

Start date

On request
Natland (Cumbria)
See map
Natland Village Hall, LA9 7QQ

Start date

On request

About this course

The course is suitable for all levels, beginners and intermediates; however, if you have a chronic or severe medical condition and you are unsure whether you should practice yoga, please consult your doctor first to get their approval.

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Teachers and trainers (1)

Tracy  Fogg

Tracy Fogg


Course programme

Brochure Description
A Yoga course for people of all levels of experience, designed to help you with the basics and to improve your postures, balance and breath control. Continuing from the spring term

What will the course cover and how will it be taught?
The aim of the course is to help you to learn different aspects of Yoga and how to practice these safely. This will ensure that your practice benefits and reflects your own individual needs, level of fitness and experience. The objectives will be:
- Limbering exercises - the importance of warming up the muscles and joints in order to practice safely
-Yoga postures and modifications - including alignment of postures
-Breathing techniques - you will experience a deeper connection with your breath through the synchronisation of breath and movement
-Concentration and awareness - both physical and mental
-Relaxation - you will receive instruction in various relaxation practices
You will learn by tutor demonstration and following verbal instructions. Your tutor will observe you and correct the alignment of your postures. You will be able to work at your own pace and postures will be modified according to your individual needs.

You will also be encouraged to assess your own progress with the tutor's help and through questions, answers and discussions.

Are there specific requirements for joining?
The course is suitable for all levels, beginners and intermediates; however, if you have a chronic or severe medical condition and you are unsure whether you should practice yoga, please consult your doctor first to get their approval.

Additional information

Payment options: Full Fee: €51, Over 60: €41, Benefit & 16-18: €13


Price on request