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Advanced Influencing Skills



£ 497 + VAT


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  • Methodology


To be effective as a manager you influence people around you on a daily basis to enable you to achieve your personal and organisational goals. During this intensive one-day seminar you will begin to understand what influences other people, and by doing so improve your own abilities to work with them, and through them, to achieve mutually beneficial success. On this interactive.

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Course programme

To be effective as a manager you influence people around you on a daily basis to enable you to achieve your personal and organisational goals. During this intensive one-day seminar you will begin to understand what influences other people, and by doing so improve your own abilities to work with them, and through them, to achieve mutually beneficial success. On this interactive workshop you will learn some practical, invaluable tools and techniques which will allow you to build on your existing skills as an influencer and develop those skills to a higher level in some simple, yet powerful ways, that can be used with subordinates, peers and superiors at work and in all the other areas of your life.

Presenter: Margaret Zuppinger

Programme details
0900 Coffee and registration

0915 Welcome, introductions and guidelines for working together

0930 Setting the scene: basis for influencing
Who has influenced you?
Who do you need to influence
10 key skills to help you influence with integrity

1000 Hearing what people actually say
How to build a ''listening bridge'' - step by step
Make what you hear clear by understanding

1030 Questioning
3 Level Questioning Technique model
Acquisition of information without interrogation

1100 Break

111 5Your Circle of Influence
Learn how to influence yourself
Use proactive strategies to focus your attention where it will have the most impact
Understand the power your beliefs have over you, and others
Being proactive rather than reactive


1315 Hilltop Theory
Understanding other peoples'' systems of values and attitudes
Recognising the pattern of commonality

1400 Influencing tactics
6 influencing tactics
Get strategic - influencing in action

1500 Break

1515 Conscious Impression Management
Managing yourself first - proactive verbal and non-verbal techniques
Ensuring congruency in all you say and do

1540 Put yourself in their shoes
How are you coming across as an influencer? - the questions you need to ask
The WIFT factor - understanding the key to getting people to do what you want

1600 Personal Motivation
Developing a positive, sustainable, mental attitude

1620 - 1630 Review, evaluation and close

Advanced Influencing Skills

£ 497 + VAT