Certificate in Happy and Healthy Pregnancy Online Course



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Start Now To Learn Happy and Healthy Pregnancy Without a doubt, having a baby is a life-changing experience. And it can sometimes feel overwhelming as you prepare for the many changes you'll face. By learning all about pregnancy, childbirth, and the basics of newborn care, you'll feel better prepared and ready for the challenges ahead.

In this course, you'll learn how the different stages of pregnancy will affect your body, your moods and emotions, and even your relationships. We take a look at the latest nutrition, diet, and exercise information, how pregnancy can change your sex life, and how to financially prepare for your baby. We'll even learn about ways you can cultivate a strong support network to help you through these transitions. 

We will review different types of childbirth preparation classes, how to choose your healthcare provider, and options for where you would like to give birth. We also cover the basic physical aspects of childbirth and taking care of mom and baby after the birth.

The goal of this class is to help you feel more confident and calm in the many choices you have throughout your pregnancy and birthing time. The first step to a happy and healthy pregnancy is a happy and healthy you. This class is designed to inform, encourage, and support you during this amazing time of life. Course Fast Facts: Learn Certificate in Happy and Healthy Pregnancy Online Course in only 6 weeks Approximately only 2 to 4 hours per week of study is required This course is delivered 100% on-line and is accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone Instructors lead each course and you will be able to interact with them and ask questions You can study from home or at work at your own pace in your own time You can download printer friendly course material or save for viewing off line You will be awarded a certificate at completion of this course How is the Certificate in Happy and...



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Internet access, e-mail, the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web browser, and the Adobe Flash and PDF plug-ins (two free and simple downloads you obtain at http:///downloads by clicking Get Adobe Flash Player and Get Adobe Reader).

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  • Communication Training

Course programme

There are 12 units of study

Pregnant! Now What?

You're pregnant! In this first lesson, we'll examine the basics of pregnancy. You'll discover that a happy and healthy pregnancy involves preparing for physical, emotional, and even social changes. We'll discuss the basics of a prenatal appointment and what to expect with your first doctor's visit, and we'll talk about common fears and worries that pregnant women experience—and how to address them. Even if you're well into your pregnancy, this lesson will help you appreciate the amazing work your body is doing during these nine months!

Eating for Two and Exercise

Today's lesson is all about diet, nutrition, and exercise. We'll go over basic recommendations for what you should and shouldn't eat while you're pregnant, as well as some positive changes you can make for your and your baby's nutritional benefit. You'll also learn about important (and simple!) exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Emotions in Motion

Already feeling some pregnancy highs or lows? You're not alone! Today, we'll discuss the changing emotions associated with pregnancy. You'll learn about physical causes for these emotional shifts, as well as some of the common feelings and experiences of mothers-to-be. What's most important about your emotional state during pregnancy is that you know what's within the range of normalcy.


In this lesson, we'll examine the basics of effective communication. Pregnancy comes with many changes to your life, so it's a great time to strengthen your communication skills. Learning to be a strong communicator will help you advocate for your needs, express your feelings, and be confident in discussing your choices for you and your baby. We'll review some ways to practice effective communication with your partner and other important people in your life, and we'll even talk about communicating with your baby!

Let's Get Physical: Changes Your Body Is Going Through

You're probably beginning to wonder by now whether some of the physical changes you've been noticing are normal. In all likelihood, yes! Your body will go through a major transformation during pregnancy, and today we'll discuss some of the most common physical changes you can expect, as well as some less common changes. We'll talk about what to look out for that might be cause for concern, and we'll also discuss some discomforts you might be feeling and how you can remedy them. Finally, we'll take a look at a few trimester markers for you and your baby!

Sleep, Sex, and Other Things You Miss

In today's lesson, we'll look at some of the major lifestyle changes that can occur during pregnancy, including how and when you sleep and adjustments to your sex life. We'll also discuss some mental shifts you're likely to encounter, and we'll look at some ways you can begin preparing for these changes now. Yes, your life will change in some less-than-desirable ways, but you'll find that you're more resilient than you think!

Social Trends and Pregnancy

This lesson is all about the social constructs surrounding pregnancy. We'll look at social dilemmas you're likely to face and social trends affecting your pregnancy and birth. We'll also discuss ways you can create and develop social support throughout your pregnancy.

Practical Considerations of Pregnancy: Birth Options

Have you be thinking about your birth options? You've probably heard that you can give birth in a hospital, a birth center, or even at home. Today we'll discuss these options, and we'll examine the key differences between them. We'll also talk about the types of childbirth preparation classes you can take, and we'll discuss doulas and their role in the birth process. You have a lot of choices when it comes to the delivery of your baby, and we'll take a close look at these in today's lesson!

Financial Planning for Baby

Budgeting is particularly important when you're expecting a new baby. We'll review some important planning you might want to consider before your baby arrives, and we'll look at how your finances are likely to change and how you can prepare for these changes. We'll also discuss planning for work and childcare.

Birth Basics

Fear of delivery is common for pregnant women. Today's lesson will give you the basics about birthing, so you can walk into the labor room armed with knowledge. We'll examine the three stages of childbirth and look closely at the phases within each stage. We'll also address some typical emotions and experiences women go through during each of these stages, and we'll talk about specifics associated with C-sections. By the end of today's lesson, you'll know what you can expect to feel and experience as your body prepares to give birth.

Life With a Newborn

Think of this lesson as baby basics. We'll go over what you can expect a baby to look and act like in the first few weeks in the world. You'll learn about your baby's senses, reflexes, and patterns for sleeping, waking, and eating. And we'll also review some of the decisions new parents have to make about a baby's medical and personal care. You'll come out of this lesson with the tools you need to be ready for your newborn!

Taking Care of Mom

In our final lesson together, we'll discuss how you can prepare for the first few days and weeks after giving birth. You'll learn some of the physical and emotional changes you can expect to experience and ways to cope with the adjustment to becoming a parent. We'll also review some of your options for preparing your home and family to welcome your new baby!

Additional information

Through well-crafted lessons, expert online instruction and interaction with your tutor, participants in these courses gain valuable knowledge at their convenience. They have the flexibility to study at their own pace combined with enough structure and support to complete the course. And they can access the classroom 24/7 from anywhere with an Internet connection.

New sessions of each course run every month. They last six weeks, with two new lessons being released weekly (for a total of 12). The courses are entirely Web-based with comprehensive lessons, quizzes, and assignments. A dedicated professional instructor facilitates every course; pacing learners, answering questions, giving feedback, and facilitating discussions.

Certificate in Happy and Healthy Pregnancy Online Course

Price on request