Emmanuel Macron: from his rise to the face-off with the unions


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One year before the 2017 election, few believed Macron could win and become president. What made his victory possible? Since then his many reforms have been both welcome and rejected by French people. At time of growing tensions, where is France heading? Explore these ideas on this one-off interactive lecture course.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

Analyse why the candidates of the traditional parties of the Right (Les Républicains) and Left (Parti Socialiste) did so poorly in the 2017 presidential election
Discuss constructively which other factors made possible Macron’s success in the 2017 presidential election
List at least three socio-economic reforms of Macron
Assess whether Macron can overcome the opposition of the trade unions
Assess the consequences of Macron’s institutional reforms.


The course will be a combination of lecture and group discussions. The class will be supported by
PowerPoint presentations and handouts.

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  • Election

Course programme

The rise of Emmanuel Macron:
- Who is Emmanuel Macron?
- Macron’s movement “En Marche!” / “La République en Marche!”
The 2017 presidential election
- The election the Right was bound to win (or so it seemed) but still lost
- The divisions of the Left: the rise of a radical Left and the collapse of the Socialists
- The second round: Emmanuel Macron v Marine Le Pen
- The aftermath of the presidential election: the triumph of the candidates of “La République en Marche!” and its implications
The policies of Macron: can he reform France?
- Support and opposition to the socio-economic reforms
- The institutional reforms: towards a weakening of the parliament?
- Macron’s vision for Europe.

Additional information

For further information, please see the City Lit website, General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Emmanuel Macron: from his rise to the face-off with the unions

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