Lambeth College

Reviews on Lambeth College

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Why Choose Lambeth College?It makes good sense to choose Lambeth College. * According to government inspectors, we're one of the best colleges in the country. * Our teaching and facilities are excellent. * We have a really wide range of courses. * You can study full-time, or come in for a few hours a week during the day or evening. * Our examination results are good. * You'll receive lots of support from your tutor and other staff. * We help lots of our students with travel and child care costs. * Our fees (if you have to pay them) are low. If you're on a low income, we may be able to reduce the fees. * We offer more child care support than most colleges. * If you live in the area, why spend valuable time and money travelling? * We offer a friendly, safe and supportive environment. * Most people who study with us really enjoy their time at college and are very complimentary about the support they receive.

Lambeth College