Performance and Appraisal



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These courses aim to provide an understanding of the performance indicators and the working of a good appraisal system. Suitable for: These courses are suitable for any business sector.

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Course programme

The various courses available are:-

Performance Matters: The Importance of Praise:- This course is suitable for people who are likely to become first-time managers, and those who are already managers but have limited knowledge of how to use praise to make their staff realise that their efforts are appreciated.

Performance Matters: The Need for Constructive Criticism:-
This course introduces to the use of constructive criticism to improve performance. The course shows how to prepare and deliver criticism and advises how both parties can move on after criticism has been delivered. With the practical guidance provided, managers will become more confident about delivering criticism and the business will benefit from improved workforce performance.

Performance Review: Every Manager's Nightmare:-
This course outlines the key techniques managers must develop if they are to lead effective appraisal interviews. The course explores typical behaviours that managers may face in appraisal situations - from the defensive to the tearful, from the aggressive to the uncommunicative - and proposes simple and effective strategies to counter them. By the time managers have completed the course, they will have new skills in place to deal with difficult behaviours, minimise confrontation and lead more productive performance reviews

Performance Review: Every Appraisee's Dream:- This course encourages both interviewers and appraisees to stop dreading the performance review and consider the process in a new, more positive light. The course explores simple and effective strategies to help both parties review the past, analyse the present and look to the future so that the interview becomes less confrontational and more productive.

Performance Indicators:- This coures introduces the concept of performance management and explains how performance can be measured. The techniques and information outlined in the course will enhance existing management skills, leading to more focused targets and improved performance through employee engagement.

The Dreaded Appraisal: Both Sides of the Appraisal Interview:- This course provides a step-by-step guide to conducting an appraisal interview. By following the techniques outlined in the course, managers will be better placed to use the appraisal interview to increase motivation, develop potential and improve performance.

How am I Doing?: The Perfect Appraisal Interview:-
This course explores how the appraisal process can be used to benefit both the individual and the business. The course shows how to prepare for the interview, how to focus on the right areas and how to agree a follow-up action plan. Once the course the course is completed, managers will have valuable new skills in place to help them carry out more successful and effective performance reviews.

Managing Performance Every Day: Beyond the Appraisal:- This course introduces the skills managers need to fully utilise the abilities of every individual. By adopting the 5C’s approach - clarity, consistency, collaboration, constructive feedback and coaching – they will be well placed to maximize performance and productivity throughout the year.

Additional information

Payment options: There are different courses falling under this category. The course fees start from £34.99

Performance and Appraisal

Price on request