Performing Arts and Acting

Vocational qualification

In Penylan

Price on request


  • Type

    Vocational qualification

  • Location

    Penylan (Wales)

Students will develop a range of performing skills from the following disciplines: singing and dancing, development of characterisation, audition skills and singing technique.



Start date

Penylan (Cardiff)
See map
Ty Gwyn Road, CF23 5QD

Start date

On request

About this course

GCSE Grade C in English, Drama and/or Music (if studied). All prospective students will need to pass an audition in front of the Performing Arts teaching team to gain successful entry onto these courses. The audition standard will be based on the BTEC National performance assessment criteria. ...

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Course programme

Performing Arts and Acting
Students will develop a range of performing skills from the following disciplines: singing and dancing, development of characterisation, audition skills and singing technique.
They will also take part in full-scale production in various genres, including musical theatre, pantomime and plays. Many of these will occur outside timetabled hours so commitment to the subject is paramount.

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts
This course is assessed through 12 units. Students undertake practical participation in workshops and rehearsals, performance and evaluation of their own work. Although the course is largely practical, the written work is very important as it provides exam evidence to back up all practical work.
Workshop Performance interpreting musical theatre excerpts and writing a pantomime

The Performing Arts Business preparing yourself for work within this sector

Performing to an Audience taking a performance role in a full-scale production

Musical Theatre Performance learning about and performing within this genre, combining acting, singing and dancing

Developing Voice for the Actor developing this essential tool for the actor

Applying Acting Skills learning about and applying different acting styles

Classical/Contemporary Theatre Performance taking a performance role in a classical or contemporary play

Acting Auditions preparing and'performing' an audition repertoire Singing Skills for Actors and Dancers - learning how to perform
songs in character

Developing Physical Theatre exploring this genre, leading to a workshop performance

Dance Performance workshopping and performing in two different dance styles (jazz and rock'n' roll)

Singing Technique and Performance developing good singing technique to use in performance.

BTEC National Subsidiary Diploma in Performing Arts (Acting)
This course is assessed through the following six units:

Performing to an Audience taking a performance role in a full-scale production.

Developing Voice for the Actor developing this essential tool for the actor.

Acting Auditions preparing and'performing' an audition repertoire.

Principles in Acting The techniques required in performance.

Theatre in Education Taking a full-scale theatre production into schools.

Applying Acting Styles Learning about and applying different acting styles.Performing Arts students have gone on to Musical Theatre or Acting courses.

Distinction and Merit grade: 100%
Highlights: 82% of learners achieved a'Double Distinction' grade (equivalent to two'A' grades at A level), greatly exceeding the national figure.

Examination Board Edexcel

Performing Arts and Acting

Price on request