Presentation skills: two day - extending your public speaking skills


In London

£ 690 + VAT


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The course will help you become a really effective presenter - and move away from the same ol', same ol'. It will give you the confidence to try new ideas and achieve high impact. Suitable for: The course is suitable for anyone who is reasonably experienced at giving presentations, but wants a master class to refresh their style, and to get new ideas to increase their skills and impact. The course provides an opportunity to get lots of practice at giving different types of presentation (with video feedback) to share experience and to get input from senior practitioners.



Start date

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Third Floor, 140 Old Street, EC1V 9BJ

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Course summary

In a communication led world, most of us have to give presentations - at conferences, receptions, pitches or in-house meetings. And most of us would like to stand out from the crowd - to give memorable presentations that really touch the audience.

This two day course will help you find your own unique, high impact style. It will build on the skills you have and enable you to be a highly effective spokesperson for your organisation.

Course outline

Over the two days you will cover:
  • what makes a memorable presentation
  • attention grabbing openings and strong closings
  • structuring your presentation for impact
  • using visual aids, while avoiding over-reliance on PowerPoint
  • building rapport with your audience
  • handling questions
  • developing an inspirational personal style that works in different settings
  • representing your organisation - the implications for content and style
  • speaking with warmth and colour
  • getting rid of 'ums' and other mannerisms
  • giving a presentation that will get quoted

"This is a two day advanced presentation skills course, with a lot of practice using the different techniques, including video and feedback."
"The course was very good and about the right length of time each day. Covered the key points in delivering effective presentations and the trainer was excellent." MW, West Yorks Brick Authority
"It was a very strong course pitched at the right level and with some very helpful advice." MW, Release

Who is this course for?

The course is suitable for anyone who is reasonably experienced at giving presentations, but wants a master class to refresh their style, and to get new ideas to increase their skills and impact.

The course provides an opportunity to get lots of practice at giving different types of presentation (with video feedback) to share experience and to get input from senior practitioners.

What will this course help me do: learning outcomes?

The course will help you become a really effective presenter - and move away from the same ol', same ol'. It will give you the confidence to try new ideas and achieve high impact.

Presentation skills: two day - extending your public speaking skills

£ 690 + VAT