Psychology of attachment


In London

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This course provides an introduction to the field of research, knowledge and practice concerning attachment within romantic and workplace relationships. It explains attachment-related concepts and how they can be applied to yourself to understand and improve the way you function within romantic and professional relationships.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

Name two leading contributors in the development attachment theory.
List and define at least five attachment-related terms.
Identify and explain the four styles of attachment.
Describe types of behavior that can lead to secure attachment in romance and at work.
Explain the importance of considering people’s attachment styles in understanding the dynamics of romantic relationships.
Explain the importance of considering people’s attachment styles in the workplace in making leadership and team-intervention choices.
Say what you think is the most important implication for your life personally of what you have learned about the psychology of attachment.

No other costs. Bring an exercise book and pen/pencil.

There will be teaching input including slides, videos and handouts; group discussion; small group activities; reading and writing activities; and use of games, debating and a fun no-pressure interactive quiz at the end of the course. Reading outside of the class is voluntary (references can be supplied for those interested in extra reading). No formal “homework” will be set, but at the end of each week a topic will be given for consideration by way of preparation for the next week’s class.

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  • Psychology

Course programme

Historical context: the origin and development of attachment theory (through psychology, ethology, systems theory, psychoanalysis) as described by the leading theorists.
Explore the language of attachment theory.
Biological perspectives; how the experience of attachment shapes the brain.
Examine different styles of attachment, their causes and implications.
Attachment during different stages of the life cycle: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, midlife, later life, death and dying.
Examine attachment issues and how to create healthy and secure attachment.
Identify your own style of attachment and how to apply your knowledge to romantic relationships to create sustaining and satisfying relationships: comparing your attachment style with others; dealing with breakups and making informed choices.
Apply attachment knowledge to workplace relationships and organizational dynamics: induction, probation, redundancy, retirement; leader-follower dynamics; relating to groups.
Explore the principles of effective communication and conflict resolution for romantic and workplace relationships.

Additional information

You may be interested in the following courses: PP124 Psychology of addiction PP104 Psychology and counselling PP114 Cross cultural psychology PP128 Child Psychology PP115 Psychology of Trauma. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Psychology of attachment

£ 179 VAT inc.