Shading Techniques: Basics & Practice - How to Draw and Shade with Realism



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In this course, I am explaining the basics of the two most important shading techniques for creating a realistic style of drawing: the Circulism method and the smooth gradient. I will demonstrate to you my unique approach to creating a gradient transition, using three different methods. I will show you how to create smooth textures using the Circulism method and graphite pencils.Once you acquire these two basic skills, you will be able to draw anything with ease.So, join me and take your shading skills to the advanced level!Jasmina



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About this course

Easy drawing and shading techniques
How to make the drawings look like photographs
To create lifelike textures
To draw from complete scratch

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  • Drawing
  • Basic Skills
  • Approach

Course programme

Shading Techniques: Basics & Practice 6 lectures 55:35 Tools What is a Smooth Gradient Creating the gradient transition - the first method (cylinder) Creating the gradient transition - the second method (flower) Creating the gradient transition - the third method (sphere) The Circulism Method Shading Techniques: Basics & Practice 6 lectures 55:35 Tools What is a Smooth Gradient Creating the gradient transition - the first method (cylinder) Creating the gradient transition - the second method (flower) Creating the gradient transition - the third method (sphere) The Circulism Method Tools Tools Tools Tools What is a Smooth Gradient What is a Smooth Gradient What is a Smooth Gradient What is a Smooth Gradient Creating the gradient transition - the first method (cylinder) Creating the gradient transition - the first method (cylinder) Creating the gradient transition - the first method (cylinder) Creating the gradient transition - the first method (cylinder) Creating the gradient transition - the second method (flower) Creating the gradient transition - the second method (flower) Creating the gradient transition - the second method (flower) Creating the gradient transition - the second method (flower) Creating the gradient transition - the third method (sphere) Creating the gradient transition - the third method (sphere) Creating the gradient transition - the third method (sphere) Creating the gradient transition - the third method (sphere) The Circulism Method The Circulism Method The Circulism Method The Circulism Method

Additional information

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn to draw

Shading Techniques: Basics & Practice - How to Draw and Shade with Realism

£ 10 VAT inc.