Social media: getting started


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This course is aimed at people who want to use social media for personal or business, but classify themselves as beginners. You will learn about social media, why we use it and how it has become the easiest way to communicate with friends or promote a business. We will look at LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. You’ll get opportunities to practice your social media skills during lessons.



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Keeley Street, Covent Garden, WC2B 4BA

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About this course

Use social media with confidence, understand privacy and overcome a fear of social media.
Set up and use a LinkedIn account, a Facebook account and a Twitter account.
Log into your accounts and post information.

Course handouts will be provided by your Tutor.

The course consists of demonstrations, practical activities and discussions. One to one guidance and support will be given throughout. Each student can use a classroom computer or bring their own laptop (but not mobiles or ipads/tablets) in order to set up their social media accounts.
Class 1 is an overview of using social media for business and personal.
Class 2 is LinkedIn.
Class 3 is Facebook.
Class 4 is Twitter.
Class 5 is Instagram & Pinterest.

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  • Social Media
  • Media

Course programme

You will learn how to use the major social media services including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. We will explain the power of social media and how it can be used to help your business or keep in touch with people in your life. It can help benefit your business by tapping into new audiences.
Create an account with the key social media sites: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. Become comfortable with the layout of the screens and how to navigate around the site. Spend time in class using these three platforms with hands-on activities. We will also discuss Pinterest and Instagram and how these can be used as further social media for your business.

Additional information

Social media for business, social media apps, tips & tricks, social media content strategy, using Instagram for business, Twitter for business, Facebook for business, Snapchat for business,LinkedIn: a detailed introduction, Blogging: write your own blog using WordPress, Video blogging with YouTube, social media:expert,social media content strategy,Twitter for business, using hashtags effectively. General information and advice on courses at City Lit is available from the Student Centre and Library on Monday to Friday from 12:00 – 19:00. See the course guide for term dates and further details

Social media: getting started

£ 199 VAT inc.