Careers Guide


What to study to work at Amazon?

Does your dream job involved been working in one of the biggest companies having an impact worldwide? Then, Amazon is the right company for you! But what kind of professionals do they search? Logistics. Amazon cannot be understood…

These are the professional profile you need to have, to work on Netflix!

The company usually assesses the multi-faceted profiles and the ability to multidisciplinary analysis. Netflix has thousands of employees spread across different parts of the globe. It is in the United States, specifically in…

Why should I study Psychology?

Psychology is a science having the objective approach that is used to advance our knowledge. In psychology, we use this scientific approach to learn about behaviour and mental life. It provides excellent training in analytic thinking…

Want to become an Editor? Here the 10 Reasons why you should become one!

Have you been thinking what career path to choose? If you are just starting out to look up, Emagister gives you 10 Reasons why been an Editor can be the right profession for you! 1. Because you believe that a book is one of the…

Content Creator: Inspiration and where to find it

A content creator is someone who creates media for sharing online. Normally, it describes someone who uses multiple media formats, making videos (vloggers), recording audios (podcasters), writing articles (bloggers). Inspiration Content…

Reception Academy explains what makes a perfect hotel experience!

What are hotel guests looking for? A room with a view? Easy booking processes? An on-site spa? Great artwork on the walls? A well-stocked mini bar?Every guest is individual, with different needs and expectations. But for all that…

What does the future hold for translators and interpreters?

If words are your passion, you have an aptitude for languages and you speak more than one language fluently, you should consider studying translation and interpretation and maybe build a career out of it! But what translators…

5 tips to write a CV without job experience

“Giving my almost nule experience, who is going to hire me? If you are young –and possibly wild– but you haven’t been able to find a permanent job yet, it is likely that negative doubts like these have tormented you from…
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