Psychology is a science having the objective approach that is used to advance our knowledge. In psychology, we use this scientific approach to learn about behaviour and mental life. It provides excellent training in analytic thinking and scientific research methods that are applicable to a broad range of careers. Psychologists work in a wide variety of different contexts, including clinical, legal, organisational, educational and research settings in both the private and public sector.

Without a  doubt, Psychology is all around you and touches on every aspect of your life! Who you are now, how you will be in the future, how you interact with family, friends, and strangers. This, because it can be applied in a large range of situations.

Clinical and Health Psychology: it is the most classic branch of this science. From the figure of the internal psychologist to the clinical psychologist, the most outstanding competences in this area are aimed at the prevention and detection of behavioural anomalies, as well as their evaluation and treatment. It also covers research and university teaching.

Social psychology and organizations: one of the newest branches of psychology. Dedicated to the study of the behaviour of the human being as a social entity. Within this scope, the psychologist can carry out social research studies and participate in community intervention programs (gender violence, discrimination against women). Another step has been a professional psychologist in the study of markets and advertising. Nor should we forget the part of the human resources workforce of large companies. They participate actively in the processes of personnel selection, career guidance, motivation policies, labour risks or planning and management of quality systems.

Psychology of education: in this area, the psychologist plays an important role in the detection of pathologies related to learning. There is also an increasing presence in the development of educational plans and in the counselling of teachers and families.

Other areas: currently it is common to find psychologists within the technical bodies of sports teams or advise elite athletes. We are also part of special bodies such as the police, the army or help members who have gone through traumatic situations.


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