Customer service manager course

Scuola Euro Formation



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Original amount in EUR:

280 €


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This is a very important figure for any company, since he directs the customer care area, and therefore that relating to customer satisfaction. It turns out to be a decisive sector, as it is on customer service that aspects such as customer loyalty and correct information depend. That's why today we will deepen this figure, illustrating all the notions you should know to be able to approach the profession. The customer service manager is the person in charge of the customer service section, also known as customer care. In practice, it is the one who coordinates this service and who takes responsibility for customer service strategies. We are not talking about a simple profession, as this professional has to deal with various tasks within this office. On the other hand, for every company the customer service director is an indispensable figure, to say the least, because this is where a large part of the differentiation from the competition is played. The purpose of the customer service director is directly related to the purpose of this office. In this case, it is his job to oil the mechanisms and make it functional, so as to meet any customer need. By anticipating and managing customer needs, the customer care service director has the opportunity to build loyalty, bringing them closer to the brand and creating a relationship based on trust and support. In summary, the customer, together with the product or service, he also acquires the possibility of being followed in times of difficulty or uncertainty. This value will push him to become attached to that brand, so as to choose it when he will have to make the purchase of an asset of that type again.



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  • Customer Manager
  • Ms Office
  • Customer Service
  • Office IT
  • Customer Care

Course programme

I MODULE. Who is and what does the Customer Service Manager II MODULE. How to Become a Customer Service Manager MODULE III. Daily tasks of a Customer Service Manager MODULE IV. Skills of a Customer Service Manager V MODULE. Job opportunities and job opportunities in Italy MODULE VI. How Much Does a Customer Service Manager Earn

Customer service manager course

£ 238.67 VAT inc.

*Indicative price

Original amount in EUR:

280 €