NLP - Improving The Quality of Patient Care



Price on request


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To provide you with some of the very latest insights and approaches in to how to enhance the quality of patient care through advanced communication and behavioural skills development. Suitable for: Healthcare sector workers.

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Course programme

The Summit team are accredited Masters and Trainers of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and acknowledged as genuine experts in the field of human potential development.

We aim to provide you with some of the very latest insights and approaches in to how to enhance the quality of patient care through advanced communication and behavioural skills development.

The skills and techniques you will learn have already been successfully applied in organisations such as homeless charities as well as in private client practice. In addition to our NLP credentials we are well known for our therapeutic work in hypnotherapy and coaching.

What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a results focused psychology. It provides a powerful range of tools and techniques to maximise human performance. It provides a detailed insight in to what makes people 'tick' and opens up new avenues to create positive change more quickly and easily than through many traditional methods.

You will learn proven, practical, easy to use skills that you can apply immediately and see the results for yourself.

Each course will be designed around your own unique needs but here are some of the more popular subjects we are invited to present:

  • Developing deep rapport and influencing skills with patients.
  • Moving from problems to solutions.
  • Accelerating patient recovery times.
  • Creating more empowering beliefs in patients.
  • Overcoming barriers to progress - (the I can't thinking style).
  • Helping patients maintain responsibility and wellness.
  • Creating confidence in patients and generating immediate improvements.
  • Dealing with personal trauma.

Summit is pleased to provide NHS organisations with a genuine discount on all our training programmes.

NLP - Improving The Quality of Patient Care

Price on request