Here is our new list of interesting people to follow in 2012 if you’re interested in the world of education and learning.
Let us know if we missed someone great to follow!


tes Connect
Bio: Sharing thousands of fantastic free teaching resources, talking about all things education and helping you to be the best teacher you can be.
Followers: 23,933
Following: 13,890
Why we love tes: First of all, it’s not a “we speak to you” account. It’s a company that gets Twitter. You just have to take a look at their timeline to understand what I mean. It’s full of @ replies, retweets, answers and interaction in general. They also post really interesting and relevant information, such as jobs, helpful tips and tutorials. Favourite Tweet: We’ve certainly got some interesting jobs this week education centre coordinator for @CocaCola anyone?

Follow tesConnect here!



Skype Classroom
Bio: Skype in the classroom is a free global community of teachers who are working together on classroom exchanges and projects: connect your students to the world.
Followers: 13,379
Following: 3,488
Why we love Skype Classroom: Here is another one that truly gets it. Skype Classroom not only tweets fun and useful tips for teachers but they take the time to answer their followers and show great curtisy thanking people for retweets, mentions and follows. They credit people for their contribution and don’t abuse hashtags.
Favourite Tweet: We’ve got fantastic projects around Pole-to-Pole – introduce your class to the hottest & coldest regions on the planet.

Follow SkypeClassroom here!




Bio: We believe that our nation can be made stronger by educating the minds and improving the skills of every American. Motivate, Educate, Elevate, #GetSchooled !
Followers: 30,433
Following: 15,604
Why we love Getschooled: The interaction on their timeline is like a conversation explotion. The tone of voice is perfect for a student audience and they tweet fun and useful stuff for students.
Favourite Tweet:  Do you chat over Facebook or tweet over Twitter when you study?

Follow Getschooled here!


SoLoMo Marketing
Bio: Social Local Mobile Marketing | Internet (Web) Marketing Strategist | Consultant | Speaker | Trainer | Entrepreneur
Followers: 30,433
Following: 15,604
Why we love SoLOMo Marketing: SoLoMo tweets about modern technologies, social media, mobile learning and general ideas that young people would find really interesting.
Favourite Tweet: How are teachers embracing #socialmedia in class?

Follow SoLoMo Marketing here!


Pablo Diaz
Bio: I love teaching and utilizing technology. Make a difference in Kid’s lives! Get connected and make connections!
Followers: 752
Following: 1,392
Why we love Pablo Diaz: His tweets are relevant, he retweets and interacts. We learn something new from his tweets, like the math videos he posted.
Favourite Tweet:  14 weeks, not ’til the end of the school year, how much time you have to improve student’s lives. Teach them teacher!

Follow Pablo Diaz here!


Bio: Jenny Exton is a passionate educator based in Sydney interested in rethinking learning to incorporate innovation and 21st century learning skills.
Followers: 1,127
Following: 1,163
Why we love Rethinking Learning: Jenny retweets really great advice from her followers truly making her timeline into a place where you feel welcomed to join and contribute.
Favourite Tweet: Interesting: TAKING IT MOBILE [REPORT] Learning in the 21st Century

Follow RethinkingLearning here!


The Teacher Page
Bio: Quality Resources for Teachers! Comments and Suggestions Welcome!
Followers: 8556
Following: 6732
Why we love The Teachers Page: A nice mixture of interesting quotes and the latest news. A similar ratio of following/followers and a bio indicating they’re opened for suggestions.
Favourite Tweet: “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” Malcolm Forbes, 1919-1990 #quote

Follow The Teachers Page here!


Those are our 7 top choices, if we forgot someone then please let comment on this post who we should follow and why!

Also, if you would like to add two more interesting accounts to your list, we’ve added a some bonus material below 🙂


Well we couldn’t miss the opportunity to last but not least mention our english Twitter account where we post the latest news related to education worldwide. We also do some live tweeting from interesting events here!

Follow EmagisterWorldwide here!



While we’re at it, we have a HELP account too that answers all types of questions from people looking for the right course all over the world.

Follow EmagisterHelp here!


Happy Tweeting!




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