Food Hygiene Multi-Task

Vocational qualification


£ 200 + VAT


  • Type

    Vocational qualification

  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

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Course programme

One great "multi-task" DVD

Food Hygiene - The Movies

Food Hygiene - The Movie 1: The Start of the Food Poisoning Chain.
Food Hygiene - The Movie 2:Temperature Control

Plus These Added Features
Scene Selection and new "Grotty Chef" Interactive Quiz.


Now you can play either movie in its digitised form, select individual scenes to fit your own presentations and use the new interactive "Grotty Chef" quiz for one-to-one or group training sessions.
For large screen projection or single screen viewing, this DVD opens the way for more varied and more flexible training opportunities using laptops and desktops with DVD play facilities. All on one slim disc.

Food Hygiene -
The Movie 1

Starring Tony Robinson, it's ideal for use on Foundation, or equivalent level, training courses. The production is also suitable for in-house or refresher training.

Topics Covered: Harmful bacteria & their effects, the danger of raw food, personal hygiene, other sources of food poisoning bacteria, common pests, taking care of waste and cross-contamination.

Food Hygiene -
The Movie 2

Presented by Judith Hann - it deals in detail with the important subject of temperature control. It uses Count Bacteria to illustrate the Danger Zone, a Sherlock Holmes sketch to explain refrigerator rules and an audience participation quiz to demonstrate common temperature control mistakes.

Topics Covered are: The importance of keeping food out of "The Danger Zone", Temperature: The nine most common mistakes, Refrigerators: The common problems.

Food Hygiene Multi-Task

£ 200 + VAT