You might think, why would anyone study science, math or engineering? These are difficult subjects and everyone will think you are a nerd, right?


A growing number of students are turning to these subjects, discovering all the awesomeness of this career path. Aren’t you convinced yet? Well, Emagister gives you 10 great reasons to become an awesome, irresistible nerd!

Every moment matters

Scientists make exciting new discoveries all the time.

Think about dinosaurs. They got extinct before even humans arrived at the party, but we know so much about them thanks to science.

Imagine you digging for fossils somewhere in the middle of the world and discovering a giant skeleton of a completely unknown dinosaur.  It is a possibility, and it’s what we call the thrill of discoveries!

This thrill, this excitement, is maybe the best reason to build a life as a scientist! A life in which every day you learn something new and every minute matter. A minute that could change everything, in which you might spot a new comet while studying the sky. That is all it takes to make a discovery or, who knows, to make history!

The unique language of science

Study science gives you a chance to travel the world and work on your career at the same time. If you are a biologist studying the ocean in Australia, you could use that same skill and knowledge in Thailand, Philippines or Africa.

Engineering, science and technology are all internationally traded subjects speaking a single language. So why you shouldn’t use this incredible unique language to travel all around the world, studying, working and learning from different experiences and different people?

Science jobs

Keep in mind that recently graduated scientists like you tend to be the first to be hired after graduation thanks to their specialization. Since science has many fields, there are many career paths for budding scientists, depending on what you enjoy most.

You might become a wildlife scientist or a chemist, an oceanographer studying the ocean world or a researcher who finds cure disease. It’s all up to what drives your passion. You can focus on what you love and set a path for your career.

In addition, thanks to the importance of your work, your position is more likely to involve higher pay scales than many other sectors!

Leave the desk!

Not being stuck behind a desk all day, every day, is one of the best parts of being a scientist.

You will have the chance to go and see the world through your eyes to actually understand it and learn from it.

Who said this isn’t a woman’s job?

Have you ever heard about Marie Curie or Rita Levi Montalcini?

Of course you did. Some of the most successful scientists are women.

For example, Rita Levi Montalcini was an Italian Nobel laureate. She was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of nerve growth factor (NGF) and, in 2001, she was appointed as Senator for Life and served the Italian Senate until her death. Such a badass scientist, right?

Scientists against global challenges

The complexity of the world we live in continues to challenge us with problems that need an immediate solution.

Finding new energy sources, controlling climate change, cleaning water and innovating agriculture in poorer parts of the world. These are the kind of challenges that can inspire you to become a science and be the change you want to see in the world (just stealing Gandhi’s words).


You should ask some scientists why they decided to study science. Most of them will tell you because it’s so fun to make experiments and find the beauty in everything you look.

Scientists are driven by a deep curiosity that could lead to huge discoveries some time. Others it doesn’t. But it is what lies in the middle that makes everything so fun! By becoming a scientist, you will never get bored again!

Everyone thinks you are a genius

That’s right, no more comments on your nerd hobbies. By the time your studies are completed, everyone will think you are a genius and will come to you for advice and approval.

Are you convinced and intrigued by this great profession now? Visit and choose your study path!

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